Thank you Ron, does any one else have one with a smooth ceiling ?
dinkycollect wrote:
Do you mean that some 689 have a smooth ceiling ?"
Forgive my ignorance, but my first 689 with a quality stamp of July 1957, three months before the model was released had a smooth interior roof. I noted this, but I sold it 12 years ago, and of course I had not worried about photographing its interior. Over the years I have had quite a number of 689s, and two with a quality stamp of October 1957 had smooth roofs.
I have a mint and boxed 689 with the quality stamp of 56 1 AS, which I presume to be January 1965, although it has the traditional blue striped box with Supertoy hubs, so I do not think it could be January 1956 - anyway, this model has a cross-hatched interior.
I just always assumed, (obviously incorrectly) that the smooth roof was normal! No wonder my first one sold for twice what I paid for it. A Dinky military collector, no longer living in Queensland, checked out my surplus stock and then had a look at some of those in my collection. I did not want to part with it as it was in excellent condition, but he made me an offer I could not refuse!
I have another one lying around here somewhere, with one of those strange three row numbers, the last row being 057, so hopefully I can dig it out and check its roof.
Thank you for confirming that there is a smooth ceiling variation of the 689.
There is now a specific thread for the 689 Medium artillery tractor at.
Normally the posts here involve nice pristine Dinky Toys, but here is one I recently acquired which obviously falls into the 'play worn' category. It is an example of the New Zealand 'Number Eight' mentality (referring to the 8 gauge fencing wire that has been used for a myriad of repairs and inventions here). The chain posts are indeed split pins. Actually I only bought it for the box at a very reasonable price.
There is one original post. I have not seen any mention before in reference to the chain posts where the hole in the top had been enlarged (twice I think) in its lifespan. Is it on the drawings?
Hi Ron,
The answer is on 505 Foden flat truck with chains.
Last week's new arrival was this lovely light green no. 172 Studebaker Land Cruiser, a nice counterpart companion for my blue one. I discussed them already in the 172 thread.
35 years have passed between the acquisitions of each!
Kind regards, Jan
Hi Jan,
Lovely addition, you're not going to wait till 2050 to get another one I hope :laugh:
Chris Warr
As a present for my 100th birthday?
Good idea! Jan
Very nice little car Jan. I am on the track of a blue one !
Richard wrote:
"Very nice little car Jan. I am on the track of a blue one !
Richard - I have a boxed blue one with cream hubs available - only one end flap missing if you are interested.
The price on the box indicates that the model was in the first production batches, between July 1956 and March 1957.
Kind regards Bruce
This one arrived this morning.
Hi Richard,
Lovely Salmson! Those delicate bumper ends are intact too, very nice new addition.
Chris Warr.
Thank you Chris.
Here under my two new items, arrived this morning.
I already had the Half-Track but without box and with a rear hook paint in black. This one has a rear hook in military green ! :woohoo:
Nice buy,
There are two variations for the half-track :
1960 - 63
My newest arrival is Possibly my oldest Dinky. Condition not Too bad!
My collection Original and Atlas can be viewed at the link below, 100+ pages of images.
Good to see you getting into the old stuff mate! Watch it, it's addictive. :cheer:
That's in good condition too, mine are pretty fatigued.
Arrived this morning from Stratford upon Avon, which is a very nice town.
Friendly yours
To be or not to be with thin axles, that is the question !
To be or not to be with thin axles, this is the answer :
:laugh: :laugh:
Hi Richard,
One of my all time favourite Dinkys, such a lovely perfect model, reminds me of the 28 type 1 in many ways, good to see those open rear windows too!
Chris Warr.
Hi Richard, a marvellous find that is!
I love the early white treaded tyres (and the general fine condition of this example). Congratulations! Kind regards, Jan
That is really nice Richard, well done
Hi all, for completeness' sake another view of my recent find in this New Arrivals thread, the French no. 23J Ferrari auto de course. Some tiny chips on the nose cone edge and one loose (but present and complete) end flap. It was announced in the French MM of October 1956.
Kind regards, Jan
Arrived this morning from london :
Kind regards
Hi all,
Although I find it difficult to be able to buy pre-war Dinky Toys, I was lucky to find some. This 36f British Salmson with driver is one of them.
I also pictured it alongside its two seater companion and alongside a post war 36f in the same color scheme.
Kind regards,
Wonderful Rob.
I love Pre War, but so far I've not found any of the cars with drivers passengers I could actually afford. I was offered a couple of 36 Series with people recently, but they were too far gone even by my fatigue tolerant standards!
A lovely set, the British Salmson is such a nice model in 2 or 4 seater form.
Chris Warr.
Hi all,
The other pre war model I picked up on eBay from France is the 24h Sports Tourer in yellow with a blue chassis. The pre war colors can be so nice!
I couldn's resist picturing it alongside the same model in different colors that has been a bit longer in my collection.
Kind regards,
Another great addition Rob,
You are right, the colour range Pre War was fantastic, many have faded now after 70+ years of course, but they are still so lovely, the early Post war colours being restricted by what was available to Grey / Brown / Green etc and the loss of many two tone finishes makes the Pre War models really stand out in the display.
Chris Warr.
A marvellous collection of two and four seaters, Rob.
Gefeliciteerd! Jan
Hello all,
Already some time in my pre war collection and indeed these models are very nice. As can be read in Dinky leaflets "available in rich colours".
This is a 36e Two-seater with female driver. Chassis has the four slots for the tinplate figures.
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
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186 Mercedes 220 SE
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