Well, another test post, using some photos of my new Ambulance militaire Renault carrier.
Kind regards, Jan
The result shows that the photos have been cropped unwantedly!
It's not clear to me why a (extra) topic indication is wanted whereas the overall topic is the Renault ambulance already.
Also not clear to me how to mix text and illustrations.
Kind regards, Jan
Just sending through to check I am online with the new website.
Jan, I agree about subject.....if we are replying to a post, it should be assumed that it is the same subject as just posted.....it makes no sense to have to repeat it, and if it is not exactly the same, it will then create a new thread.....not good! I have not tried posting a photo yet....that is coming!
I'm struggling with this new forum format.The old version was far easier to view? Can we not try and get it to reflect how it was?
The comment to be added to the photo presentation above (I did not succeed yet in adding extra explanatory images to this comment):
At last, I found an example of the Ambulance militaire Renault Carrier, the first issue of 1959, both very cheap and also in beautiful condition. This military ambulance completes the 80 series of the later 1950s French military vehicles, which now it does indeed my own 80-group (a-f) too. Both the box and the base plate bear this early 80f number. All subsequent military models were provided with new numbers, as the French renumbering to three digit numbers took place in the course of its year of introduction, 1959. The new numbers were placed into the lower 800s range for the Dinky Toys and the higher 800-numbers were attributed to military Dinky Supertoys (even the British-made Centurion Tank was mysteriously assigned the French number 864 some time, see i.a. the GBofDT p. 204-205) . In the first appearance in the NL-catalogue of 1959 both old and new numbers are referred to already. When it was issued in 1959 this model was the third military ambulance in the Dinky Toys range of the 1950s. It was preceded by the introductions of the British 30hm/624 Daimler [military] Ambulance (1952) and 626 Military Ambulance (1956).
Like most of its French military relatives it was discontinued in 1970, implying that this model is not scarce at all, very common indeed. Nevertheless, the first issue, published in 1959 only, is slightly harder to find than the later renumbered (no. 820) issues. This is the first and only one of the 80-series that was fitted with plastic windows ('avec glaces'), as far as applicable, right from the start in 1959. This first issue still has the convex hubs, which turned into concave very quickly. Also, you will always find smooth tyres on these early ones, soon to be replaced by treaded tyres. The real-world prototype is the Renault 1000kg van, a very familiar commercial vehicle on the roads in the 1950s and 1960s.
Generally speaking critics are not very positive as the faithfulness of this model is concerned, compared with the real one. The shape of its nose is not very accurate, the model seems to be too small and the single opening door at the rear is not conform reality (the windows there happen to be left open, without plastic inserts) . The thick, raised crosses, cast in relief – though technically well done - do not represent reality either. Besides, the indentations of the rear windows, cut through the raised red cross at the back look rather odd indeed.
The model was re-introduced only two years after its discontinuation already, in 1972. The die was new, however, the base plate was moulded in plastic and a new catalogue number was attributed: 807. Although quite similar, it is easily recognized by the ventilation additions to the roof and by a new, plastic base plate. Moreover, the oversized plastic speedweels and nylon tyres leave no doubt about its identity either. 1974 was the last year of official availability. As always, comments, additions and corrections are very much appreciated! Kind regards, Jan
My model has threaded nylon tyres which say "Dunlop"and it has concave hubs. It has the metal base plate with number 80F.Can someone tell which year this model was produced?
If you mean this one, it was made in Calais from 1971 until 1974.
Strange. My model does not have the ventilator ducts on the roof and no louvres on the sides near the fenders. And has the French flag decal on the front. My model must be a 1969-1970 model I guess.
Then it must be this one, the 80f / 820 made in Bobigny from 03 / 59 until 1971.
When you ask a question, it is often important to post a photo or the reference number of the model you are writing about.
That's the one! I will post a photo next time first I have to see how to do it.
How to post a picture on this site is not easy, it is explined somewhere.
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