263 Superior Criterion Ambulance.
11/22, a day like 9/11!
That's a lovely collection of nice cars.
Dave--Thanks! That Rover Saloon in front was purchased directly from H. Hudson Dobson around 1958, when they still had some NOS available. As you can see, it is a very late export version with colored wheels. I also got the Humber Vogue in back at the same time. As I remember, they were both bought at their original U.S. price..... 75 cents each!
They are truly georgous Terry.
Cracking models from my era
That is a wonderful example you have there Terry
65 years old this month:
Regards, Jan
Hello Jan,
May I add the following to your picture of the day.
The same Meccano Magazine contained an article about the Standard Vanguard and the Muir-Hill dumper.
janwerner wrote:
"a day like 9/11!"
What happend on the 9th of November? :dry:
Either you are not familiar with the American (and in this case rather internationally accepted) notation for 11 September, or you missed some minor incident in the news of 2001. :)
Kind regards, Jan
I am going to be the devil's advocate : I think that our friend is not familiar with the english dates presentation !
But I can answer for the 9th of november: it's my daugther's birth day ! but in 1980 !http://www.dtcawebsite.org/components/com_kunena/template/default_ex/ima...
These backwards North American dates always intreagued and confused me especially when I was living in the States, they are the only country in the world to do this. Funny to see a Dutch chap writing backwards ;)
Back on topic!
I have never seen a mint one... this excellent+ example being the best I have found thus far, treads are still soft but I don't dare spin them round through fear of cracking them. 64 years old now!
Thanks, this Blaw Knox is a rightful successor for the Foden Tanker, as it was introduced just one month later, in January 1949. So, another 65th anniversary model for just a few days to go!
Mine has a comparable condition, not fully mint either, but excellent too (yes: very careful with the thin fragile rubber Caterpillar tracks!). I show it here because of its attractive second box version, wrapped in lined green paper.
Best regards, Jan
Glad that you saw my logic in following up with my 561. Yours is indeed an attractive example. I wonder if these were chipped and damaged at the time of assembly, mine was never used as a toy, it was always in the hands of a collector since new.
I am a little baffled at times with the rubber stamps found throughout the boxes of 1940s Dinky Toys. The bottom of the box has a blue circle stamp
Arrived today from UK.
Hi Richard
This is one of my all time favourite Dinky models
Here are eight different colour variations. I would love to see more and then I could try to track them down.
Beautiful display Dave, and so many wonderful different colors. It and the plain van are delightful models. I have often wondered why Dinky chose not to add any advertising to the postwar van version....it would have added many nice collectable variations.
Yes the lack of advertising is strange. Pre-war there was the wonderful 28 series and post-war there were the Bedford CA an Austin Devon vans but somehow the 280 was in a few plain colours only.
Hi David,
There are a few more 280s for you to collect :
Starting grid
My six year old grandson Seth visited us over Christmas and he asked to get some cars from my collection out of my display cabinets.
He knows not to bash them about and always respects them, he produced this starting grid with no prompting from me whatsoever.
I am not sure how Donald Campbell will get round the hairpins in Bluebird but he will certainly be quick along the straights.
Nice to see the grandchildren interested in our Dinky's! I only have granddaughters, but they also ask me to take some out of the cabinet so they can carefully hold them.......very neat for sure!
It is not just my Grandson, here is my eight year old Granddaughter Erin with her recreation from my recent Dinky book which she produced about a month ago:
When they are with us the often spend time in my office drawing things, making things or just playing with Dinky/Corgi/Matchbox toys etc.
Both Julie and I encourage them to do creative things as much as possible.
This is my Dinky of the day !
It's arrived this morning from UK :cheer:
This car probably went through pretty tough time competing in the school yard... :)
Yes Jackh but it' a solid car because nothing is broken or missing !
Thanks a lot to my postwoman who brings me this, early in the morning ! :woohoo:
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-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
Trailer Caravans
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Trailer Caravans
—37c Dispatch rider (37-40)
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Membership renewal
Membership renewal
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2024 AGM
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
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Dinky 582/982 Pullmore - Dark Blue Cab/Dark Blue Body
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186 Mercedes 220 SE
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