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--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

4 days 13 hours ago

-066 Bedford Flat Truck (1957-60)

4 days 14 hours ago

-066 Bedford Flat Truck (1957-60)

4 days 14 hours ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

4 days 15 hours ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

4 days 17 hours ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

4 days 18 hours ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

4 days 19 hours ago

DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023

5 days 13 hours ago

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5 days 13 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

5 days 14 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

6 days 16 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

6 days 16 hours ago

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--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

6 days 17 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

6 days 17 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

6 days 18 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

6 days 19 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

6 days 21 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

6 days 22 hours ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 week 8 hours ago

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  • Total Visitors: 1670676
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  • Since: 07/20/2024 - 04:44
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Atlas Dinky Toys UK issues (cont...)

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Jacques, I wonder why you wish to continue receiving them anyway!
Throw them away before unpacking them and stop muttering ...
Kind regards, Jan

buzzer999's picture


This forum is ALL about TOYS, it is supposed to be FUN and ENJOYABLE.

Let's get back to the REAL REASON for us being here and ENJOY OURSELVES.

Recently I TWICE sent you a series of Hi-Res photographs of a Dinky toy on behalf of a colleague, you have not even acknowledged receiving them let alone said thank you, perhaps you should look somewhere else before criticising other people.


dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

I do not collect the garbage made by NOREV for Atlas for myself but for a british member of DTCA. I would not have any in my collection. If I post these models on this forum, it is to show the poor quality of this production and to put things right when Roulet gives false information. It is Roulet's habit to state what is for his profit and not what should be. Atlas and Roulet must be known for what they are.

If you are not interested in this thread, do not look at it, many DTCA members who never post watch it and may apreciate this information.


I do not think that I promote Atlas's products by showing the appalling quality of their products which are an insult to the Meccano people who produced much better products over fifty years ago without to-days technology.

I have written to you to say that I have not received the pictures that you said you sent, I specified my email address and have not received any answer. You may have sent a second batch to the old address again, please check that you have deleted any address starting with jacquesdujardin@.... So please keep your rude comments for your self.

As far as courtesy is concerned, after your recent background behaviour, you do not have any lessons to give. So again please keep your rude comments for your self.

DTCA MemberNew Zealand

I'm reminded of an old adage.....

If you don't have anything positive to say don't say anything at all.

Jacques you are jamming down our throats a constant diatribe against these models. I would suggest rather than us not read this thread you desist from bagging models which don't live up to your historic marques ideals.

These are replica's of vintage toys...Most people see them as such. Considering price point, subject and desirability before adding to their collection or not. Each to their own.

Forcing what is becoming an unwelcome set of opinions on the rest of the members by pure force of will does not lead to a positive experience for anyone.

My two cents (pence) worth. I will not be drawn in any further.....

buzzer999's picture


I sent the images to the only e-mail address I had for you. You then advised me of a new address. This is now the only address on my system. Neither of the e-mails have bounced back to me so they have been delivered somewhere.


DTCA MemberNetherlands

I appreciate the work you do for the DTCA and the Dinky Community.
Maybe it is wise to stop your critics on Atlas and JMR. We all know your opinion on this matter.
A lot of collectors cannot afford the high prices for old Dinky toys and maybe are happy with the Atlas models and enjoy them. Despite this is not the original Meccano quality.
lets keep this Forum friendly.

Meanwhile I go on collecting pre war Dinky Toys!


Bungo's picture
DTCA Member

I once bought an Atlas Talbot just to show both models - the original from 1952/53 and the copy from 2009 - to my wife and to explain to her that they make them now in China. She liked it. ;)

Dinkyman's picture
DTCA MemberSweden

Hi guys,

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Hi Ragnar, although Atlas is not 'my cup of tea' as a rather purist Dinky Toys collector, I really deeply admire the quality of what I have seen of them. Meccano would no doubt have been very jealous of the technique adopted and the resulting splendid finish of those models.
I could not refuse an introduction offer some time ago of the Atlas Panhard & Citerne Titan Esso for 5 euros, postage included, and as a case study I wrote a little 'review' in the French Dinky 32c thread:
Kind regards, Jan


Hi all,

Though I don't collect Atlas personally, I do sell them at the fairs when I can get them at a good price.

Reactions to the models tends to be very polarised, ranging from outright hostility, to genuine admiration.

I can sympathise with both camps, but the way I've come to look at it is I sold my original 1500 strong Dinky collection in 1982, by 1991 I was drawn back into model collecting by Corgi Classics, Dinky being way too expensive for me at the time. It wasn't long, about a year, before I gave in and bought my first real Dinky since the 70's, and 700 Dinkys later here I am. If Atlas models have the same effect on anybody else that Corgi did on me, then we can't really complain about them can we?


buzzer999's picture

Chris with Atlas it is slightly different to Corgi Classics. They were part of the the existing range but were totally different models to the mainstream offering. Atlas are all copies of old Dinky items and the 'buyer beware' caveat has to be observed, some people are passing these off as the real deal.

I personally have no problem with Atlas, I bought the first one out of curiosity but have not bought any since. What I am not happy with is every single Atlas issue is placed on this site with a series of very severe criticisms, some of which could be classed as libelous. Knowing the clout, and power, of Mattell we could be placing this site in jeopardy - please lets not go there.

If we insist on showing them at least do so in a considered manner.


dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Although it was issued in December 2014, I received the two Simca P.60 Auto

Dinkyman's picture
DTCA MemberSweden

OK, so this isn't even a copy! ;)
Jacques, is this the address of the Dinky factory in Bobigny.

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance


The exact address was 70-88 avenue Henri Barbusse. When the factory was build, the road was called rue des petits ponts.

As the factory was at a street corner, the address could also be rue Jos

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

537 - Renault 16 copy of the model made in Bobigny.

This model has also been made in Liverpool and in Spain with the same tools but with some variations.

Neither the bonnet or the boot will stay open.

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

24M - Jeep

This was the first model issued by Bobigny after the war. The Atlas copy is of the fourth variation of the model by Meccano s.a.

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

25 JV - Camion Ford "Grands Moulins de Paris".

The text on the tilt should be straight.

dinkyfan's picture

Here is a photo of the real French Dinky French Ford "Grands Moulins de Paris", so you can judge just how well or not Atlas did in making an accurate copy. This is a little more difficult as their are different colors as well as lettering. Maybe Jacques can put these together..........

Dinkyman's picture
DTCA MemberSweden

Like this:

Is the yellow panel painted or is it a decal? If it is a decal it might have turned yellow with age.

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

The panel which has turned yellow with age is not painted it is made by tampoo transfer.

Roulet who is ignorant of any technology always writes that it is made by silk screening, but this thechnique is not suitable for mas production.

Tampoo by transfer is made from a film printed with the design to be transfered, this design may have several colours and small details like on the Calberson and SNCF Fords. A soft tampoo is applied to the film and the design is transfered to the tampoo wich is then applied to the model on which the design is transfered. This process is completely automatic and the position of the transfered design is very accurate. Silk screening requires an application for each colour with a curing time in between and it does not allow minute details.

In the case of the Ford Grands moulins de Paris by Atlas, I do not know how the other trucks are, some may be similar with the design bent on one side, on both sides or not at all. How is yours Terry ?

Other mistakes are the lack of the ejector marks under the chassis and inside the cab

as well as the lack of reinforcement of the center windscreen post as on the picture on the left or perhaps on the right.

This casting variation is the wrong one for this model, this item is a toy, not a collector's item.

DTCA MemberNew Zealand

My Tampo printing is straight

I received this one this week:

Saviem Trotting Horse Transporter.


Hi Dave,
To be fair that Saviem is really nice.

DTCA MemberNew Zealand

It certainly is Chris. Bizarrely whilst it was on its way to me I picked up a boxed original version of the same model, which was buy now with free shipping cheaper than the Atlas version, a non specialist seller in Japan with just the one diecast for sale. The only visible flaw being a split buggy wheel. I will post when it arrives in the relevant forum and do a comparison.




That's a result then mate, it's great when stuff turns up from an unknown source.
Look forward to seeing them together.

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

518 - Renault 4L

Received today (May 12, 2015).

The holes in the wheels are still too large and the wheels are wobly.

This is the 86th. and last model of the collection of models without moving parts.

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

1407 - Simca 1100

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

32E - Fourgon incendie premier secours.

This variation with smooth ceiling has not been issued by Meccano. It is specific to Atlas.

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

An other model issued by Atlas which has not been made by Meccano.

23d Auto-Union

This model issued in the British collection is a mix of French and English features. The casting is as issued in France 1950 / 1952 with a short rear axle which is not visible outside the rear mudguards. The red colour is of a pre-war English issue and the black tyres and ridged hubs are post war. The racing number 2 should be on a white or silver background anyway not black and the axles ends should be crimped, not domed, as far as I know, the Auto-Union has not been made in England with domed axles.

And a third one.

The third model is of a Citro

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

I have obtained the complete list of models for the trucks collection. It seems to be sorted by date of issue but of course any model may be issued a couple of months early or late.

I have had to translate this list from Atlas to Dinky Toys language so please excuse me if there are a couple of mistakes.

The dates are the date of issue by Atlas, the collection should end in February 2018.

All this for at least 2200 Euro.

johnnyangel's picture

It is worth noting that a number of these "planned" Atlas issues have already been issued by Dan Toys, and are of course made in the same factory by CIJ-Norev. In the cases where I have been able to compare side by side models labeled as Dan Toys with the equivalent "Dinky," the castings are identical. Of course the Mattel-licensed product has a "Dinky" baseplate, whereas the Dan Toys will be branded with that name or sometimes CIJ.
