Terry, that's a lovely Bedford, and as you say, rare in those colours. I have only ever seen two - the first was for sale in a local antiques centre, unfortunately the vendor could not find the key for the cabinet to be able to get a better look at what I assumed was a repaint. The second belongs to a friend of mine, and confirms the authenticity as he had owned it since childhood. I have the mid-blue/yellow, red/cream. all-green and all orange, needing all-cream and this one to complete the set. The hunt is on....
Your dark blue back version is in incredible condition, so top marks to you for locating it in recent months!
Continuing with your first Post with your 25m/410 in the scarce dark blue back with yellow cab-chassis, the following are others in this wonderful series, commencing with the first issues in orange and dark green. The casting variations can be seen in the 521 Topic. This were introduced to the buying public in March 1948.
The orange with black hubs and the green also with black ridged hubs were the first issues, which were followed by the same colours but with light green ridged hubs. These are easily identifiable as the first issues with the straight front mudguards. Although not visible in the images, the front mudguards are “straight” without the slight cut at the end that came later. The front axle support are horizontal and does not extend to the front casting. This would also be the casting for the following dark green with light green hubs as well as orange with light green hubs. The coloured hubs arrived on the scene in October 1948.
The above is an example of an extremely rare version, pale cream with black ridged hubs. I have seen only two of these little fellows over the past 30 years, and at this time, I am not even sure if both were the same model. Thanks to Vectis for supplying the image.
The usual version of the all-over light cream is the example above with red ridged hubs. This Bedford arrived in my care in 2004 from an eBay seller in the United Kingdom. The petrol tank does not have the additional casting on top, which makes this model having been produced sometime around October 1948.
Then the next two colour schemes were introduced that became the permanent schemes for the rest of the model’s production life.
A 410 Bedford End Tipper that arrived in my care in April 2006 – a model that replaces one I had as a youngster that has disappeared.
I acquired my yellow and dark blue version on 25 March 2002, a win from an eBay seller in Kent, Ohio in the United States. So, eBay became a great source for the resumption of my later Dinky Toys collection. Wish it was in the same condition as Terry’s!!
The final version, with windows, silver radiator, and red plastic hubs.
Here she is, sitting on our kitchen table one night in January 1964, partially hidden by a 39a Packard and behind, my 198 Rolls Royce Phantom V with other Dinky Toys on the right, Foden wagon, Massey-Harris tractor, Roller, Pullmore, Mercedes Benz and a Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Rolls Royce. Others that were on the table at the time have been cropped from this slide.
In a similar pose but without “The Others”.
Kind regards
Bruce H. (150)
Bruce---Thanks for the always kind comments. I actually prefer those early, solid colors, such as the orange one. Thanks for showing so many of the colors that were used over the years....certainly an iconic Dinky from that early 1950's era.
Best regards, Terry
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