This is a question from a friend far away from here :
I have been trying to establish a rule as to when the change from the earlier, somewhat more solid baseplates to the more shiny, somewhat thinner baseplates took place. From certain sources I learn that this might have happened towards the end of the 50ies, say 1958/59.
I noticed further that the combination of shiny baseplates with aluminum rims (1960) is very often seen, but there are examples with aluminum rims and "old" baseplates around too. So, I guess, they continued to use the old baseplates until the stock was gone.
What is your opinion on this subject ? When did this change occur ?
I must say that I was not aware of this change nor is my documentation.
How will replies be handled if members refer to any other model except the subject of this Thread?
There is already a Thread "Matt Black Finished Tin Base Plates", so should another Thread be created that deals with various types of tin base plates, or is the 23k-230 the only model with this possible variation?
Perhaps if your far away friend could provide photographic examples of what he is describing it would make the topic a little easier to understand.
The question applies to the Talbot and other models of the 23 series but it does not concern the finish of the base plate but also a different material and answers may be quite different to "Matt Black Finished Tin Base Plates".
I could have duplicated this post in "Matt Black Finished Tin Base Plates" but then the answers would have to be duplicated as well.
I did state this in my last post:
There is already a Thread "Matt Black Finished Tin Base Plates", so should another Thread be created that deals with various types of tin base plates, or is the 23k-230 the only model with this possible variation?
I am therefore at a loss as to understand why you wrote:
I could have duplicated this post in "Matt Black Finished Tin Base Plates" but then the answers would have to be duplicated as well.
when my post was quite specific, "should another Thread be created" that deals with this subject, unless this subject is specific to the 23k-230 Talbot Lago.
Questions/remarks about this Talbot- Lago Racing Car, especially concerning the relation between the British and French models. Of the 1952/53 Racing Cars, two had French counterparts.
No. 23k Talbot-Lago Racing Car (102mm), introduced in 1953, was parallelled by the French no. 23h Auto de course Talbot-Lago (83mm), introduced in 1953 as well.
No. 23h Ferrari Racing Car (102mm), introduced in 1953, was parallelled by the French 23j/511 Auto de course Ferrari (102mm), introduced in 1959.
Though made from different moulds, the Ferrari models are very similar, and measure 102mm both. Their scale (according to the Meccano listing above of memo no. 17157) is 5/16
Hi Jan,
not an answer to your main question, why no other of the British Dinky racing cars of the early 50ies were "counterparted" in France, but a humble correction to put the records straight: the French Dinky Ferrari 23J was issued first in 1956, not in 1959. 1959 saw the re-numbering from 23J to 511.
Regards from Thailand
You're quite right, Walter, sorry for this mistake. Of course the renumbering took place in 1959, and not the introduction!
Thanks and kind regards, Jan
Two photos of the Talbot-Lago Racing Car below, one showing the model sitting on its earliest individual, dual numbered box and also demonstrating the opposite side which - being an asymmetrical model - is different. The other image shows both the English and French (no. 23h/510) counterparts. The scale difference is obvious, the French Talbot strictly complying with the general 1/43 scale for French cars, the English one enlarged to a 1/38 scale, which makes a credible match with the large Supertoys 20mm tyres. The French one, however, seems to 'disappear' between its too large 20mm tyres. Probably 18mm tyres would have made a more realistic match.
Possibly the Talbot-Lago is slightly scarcer than the rest of the 1952/53 racing cars, because it was the latest one (of six) to be issued and the only one wanting in the Racing Cars Gift Set (no. 4/249), which was available in the period 1953-1958. Kind regards, Jan
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