781 Petrol pump station "Esso" 07 - 1955
This list is incomplete and contains some errors. An updated corrected list can be found further down this page.
This is my list of plain yellow boxes.
This list is certainly not complete, if you know other boxes of this type, please let me know by posting a photo of the box.
The earliest one seems to be the Bedford van "Kodak" ref. 480 and the last one the Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith ref. 150 except for the Electric dairy van "N.C.B." Job's of 1960 which is a special model.
In early 1957, the DINKY TOYS logo was changed from straight to italic caracteres and the new plain boxes showed the new logo.
It is generally thought that these boxes were used when the art work was not ready for launching a model but there are exceptions to this rule.
• The 471 Job's Electric dairy van and the 669 U.S. jeep which are special models.
• The 230 Talbot Lago and 234 Ferrari which had been issued in 1953 and packed in boxes dated 1957.
All comments and additions welcomed as usual.
Looking at your list and your comments, I conclude that - amongst others - the 133 Cunningham, the 163 Bristol and the 236 Connaught were first packed in such plain yellow no-picture boxes, because their artwork was not ready. Their picture-boxes followed later.
Is this correct?
Best regards
Hi Jacques, another one here:
Kind regards, Jan
Hi Jacques,
Are you interested in just all yellow plain boxes, or yellow and red plain boxes like the 295 Atlas bus came in?
Chris Warr.
Thank you Jan, I missed that one and probably several others.
This thread is about the all yellow boxes. A thread named "Yellow / red end flaps boxes" can be started. I should have named this one "All yellow end flaps boxes". Sorry for that but it can not be changed any more.
I have made the list of the 79 models which have been packed in the yellow / red boxes some of which are very rare. I should check if I have pictures of all of them but this is not planed.
Thank you for offering your help.
It can only be assumed that the all yellow end flaps boxes were used before the art work was available but there is no evidence to support this theory.
You will certainly have read that I have written : "It is generally thought that these boxes were used" and not "These boxes were used ..."
DTCA 100
Firstly, I presume it is too late to change the title of this Topic to PLAIN Yellow End Flap Boxes?
Anyhow, here is another box to be added to the list - a dual numbered 25V/252 Refuse Wagon Bedford Chassis. The dual numbering is rather strange as the box itself was issued between March 1959 and July 1960, four years after dual numbering had ceased. It was also the only box issued for the 252 Refuse Wagon that included the manufacturer's name of "Bedford".
Bruce (150)
24 February 2016
Thank you for this piece of information, I have already added this box to the list of plain boxes.
I have also changed the title of this thread as per your suggestion.
All the best.
Walter wrote on 23 April 2015:
Looking at your list and your comments, I conclude that - amongst others - the 133 Cunningham, the 163 Bristol and the 236 Connaught were first packed in such plain yellow no-picture boxes, because their artwork was not ready. Their picture-boxes followed later.
Is this correct?
Best regards
Insofar as the 173 Nash Rambler, the one example of the plain box for this model that I had in my collection carried an original penciled price of 3/5. This retail price was current between at least May 1959 and December 1960, so for this model, it was not the first box to be issued, but rather an interim box between the pictorial yellow end-flap box and the red and yellow side panel box. When the model was released in May 1958 it had a retail price of 3/6 a price maintained until April 1959.
Kind regards
26 February 2016
Thank you for providing these pictures of this peculiar box. Have you noticed that the words DINKY TOYS are written in italic on the four large sides and in straight up letters on the end flaps.
This box is now part of the list of 29 plain yellow boxes.
I have restored the pictures for anybody who want them for his records.
Thanks again Bruce.
Where or rather when does this box come in ? Certainly after the dual numbering box
before or after the 414 box ?
or as it is the cheapest box (printed in a single colour) is it the latest box after the red / yellow box ?
Can it be dated at 1957 when the Dinky Toys logo changed from straight up letters to slant ?
This box has caused me some concern. Although it has a blue spot, and the price may be genuine, my immediate reaction is that it could be a careful forgery. I just thought the fold with the upper photograph was not sharp as it should be. Perhaps you may have seen similar folded boxes that are genuine during your years of researching Dinky Toys so I passed it on not wishing to make any comment that may influence your analysis.
I also noticed the italic printing on the sides and block on the ends, which is a puzzle, unless the contractor was not provided with explicit instructions, so they used "artistic licence". The price may be a guide, whatever currency it is!
The box is actually on eBay right now, as part of a seller's shop stock, "dinkycorgitoys" who lives in The Netherlands. You may be able to check it out, being "in the neighbourhood" so to speak!
Kind regards
Dear Bruce,
I have not been able to locate the Dutch seller which you mentioned but there is a similar plain box on eBay at the moment.
item number 361160654427
You may wish to check out Item 311563407804 currently on eBay.
It is for a 197 Morris Mini Traveller, with plenty of sticky tape holding it together! Still, a plain yellow box, but unfortunately, badly photographed for the auction, although the seller is happy to help with additional information - no doubt hopeful for a bid!!
The box incidentally, uses the same block printing at least with the side panels - the end flaps were not photographed.
Kind regards
I have asked the seller for a better picture showing the end flaps which are probably in a poor state with scribelings etc...
On this box, the words Dinky Toys on the large side are in block letters contrary to the box for the 414 tipping wagon.
It does not make sens as it is post 1961 and the slant logo was used from 1957
I have searched the Vectis data base but I could not find a plain box there.
You may wish to add the 169 Studebaker Golden Hawk to your list of those packaged in a plain yellow box.
The interesting thing about this box is that the model has an additional word added to its description, Studebaker Golden Hawk SPORTS with the word "Sports" not appearing in the more common pictorial end-flap yellow box, not does the word appear in any catalogue or price list.
The images below are from the eBay auction selling this box in August 2006.
Many thanks for this piece of information. Unfortunately the photos are awful, I have been able to improve them but not much. Vectis has sold a few of them but unfortunately, they have probably noticed the peculiar name with "sports" and for their photographs they have always placed the model in front of the text rather than on the box.
I have already added this box to the list and will add any other which you or other members may mention.
As I said, those awful images came from an eBay auction almost 10 years ago. Attached are a few more images of the 169 Studebaker Golden Hawk in the plain yellow end-flap box but unfortunately, each image has the model either sitting on top or in front of the box - nothing with just the box itself.
Incidentally, with the last images I sent, the price on the end reads 3/5, a price that was relevant from about July 1959 to December 1960.
By the way, you are probably aware of the typo errors in your original list!
Kind regards
Bruce (150)
Dear Bruce,
I suppose that your post above is aimed at me rather than Jan.
Several photos of this plain box can be found on the Vectis site but unfortunately, Vectis do not seem to be aware of the peculiarity of this "sports" car and they always photograph the box with the car in front of the word sports. Although it would be better to have a picture of the box without the car, it is much better when the car is on the box rather than in front.
I am not aware of any typo errors in my original list ! but if you point them out to me, I will correct them and post a fresh list with your recent finds.
The seller of the Mini box did not answer my email, I suppose that for some reason or other, he did not want to show the end flaps of his box.
All the best
Jacques (100)
Sorry Jacques and apologies to Jan
Just one of my "senior's moments" which unfortunately are becoming more and more frequent these days!
Pity about the eBay seller not replying to your message though.
Finally, do you have access to any of the older Vectis catalogues that have not been downloaded into their website?
Kind regards
Bruce (150)
Hi Jacques, another look at your initial list made me realize that not just the special 491 N.C.B. Job's Dairy but also the original 491 N.C.B. van itself was packed in this type of box (or was this what you meant in your combined '471' reference?). Although not very clear on the photo below, my example is fitted with treaded tyres, so post-1957.
The typing errors Bruce is referring to must be the numbers for three vans included:
471 Nestlé’s
480 Kodak
491 Job's
Kind regards, Jan
Not correct, sorry, a quick look into my display unveils that the NCB shown has smooth tyres! Kind regards, Jan
This is the up to date corrected list of plain boxes.
Thank you Bruce and Jan for pointing to several errors and letting me know about missing boxes, there are certainly more. I always welcome additions and corrections.
The 191 box is interesting is that it is different to the 169 for instance. It is almost identical to the usual yellow box with the picture on either side, except all the printing is in red although a careful comparison may show minute differences.
One final point - can you delete "Humber" from the 641 as Meccano only referred to it as the Army 1-Ton Cargo Truck.without any reference to the manufacturer. (Why the Champ was singled out as an exception is anyone's guess!)
Kind regards
Bruce (150)
Further to my post above (#24) it would appear that the plain box for the 191 was basically identical to the yellow pictorial box as shown with the images below. Note the end flap has a colour spot glued to the flap.
With the price of 3/5 this price was current from May 1959 when the model was released to at least June 1960. For a number of months, November and December 1960, and possibly earlier as I have no dealer order forms for July to October 1960, the 191 was unavailable for dealers to order. In February 1961, the price had increased to 3/6.
I will leave it for others to come to some conclusion as to when the example below was actually issued based on the above details.
Kind regards
Bruce (150)
I have up dated the list of plain boxes above with three more boxes.
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
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