Well done Johnny, this is a very nice example. I do not know this version with black hubs and red cab's foot step. How is the axle of the trailer fitted ? This could be the eigth version.
Jacques -- Yes, it does seem to be an eighth version that was not yet in the Encyclopedia, because the rear axle of the trailer is like (2), fitted through holes.
Other details are typical of an earlier type -- i.e. the "20" speed limit transfer on the rear, and "Dinky Supertoys" on the bottom of the cab.
Nice, and good to see those color variations side by side!
Nice pair of Recce Cars indeed, Gerrit! I sold more (replaced) Dinky Toys than I bought at Houten today. And many trivial things like books, a garage, calendar etc. etc. And many garage books were sold, our stall was crowded. Good to meet so many like-minded buyers!
The only Dinky I bought was one of the many variants of the Observation Coach. I wouldn't have bought it if it were not so very cheap. Virtually no chips, but some slight rubbing here and there on the red lining and the paint on the roof slightly coarse. To be rated as 'excellent' in my opinion.
Hi Jan, I saw you today, but you were very busy. understandable. The Observation Coach is indeed beautiful. I could also take the two Reconnaissance Car for a very nice price.
When I returned home from Houten yesterday, I also found another addition on the doormat: the January issue of The Journal. And I was very happy to see that my contribution on the transfer of my factory drawings and lists to the Meccano Business Archive in Liverpool is included! And I am also very glad that on this occasion all scanned 73 sheets have been added to the Publications >> Documents >> Factory drawings section on our website. Now their contents are availble for the benefit of all those who research the history of the Meccano factory and the history of Dinky Toys at last - both digital, on the website, and physical, in the archive mentioned. I thank our Website and Technology Officer, Al Keeling, for uploading the pdf files to the website. Kind regards, Jan
Nice new additions Jan and Gerrit. Good to hear the show was crowded and people are out spending money again. I have always heard that show is very large and filled with vintage toys.
Jan, I hope your book sales were a hit too.
Ten years ago, Claude Wagner and I published the book "French Dinky Toys Aircraft". Although this book had been writen in French, it has been issued only in English because we thought that more collectors would be interested by this book in English. Today, we have decided to have it printed in French and we are starting a subscription for this. We are taking the orders from today on and the book will be printed early in April. Only the orders received before March 31st. will be accepted. There will not be a reprint and this is your only chance to get this rare book.
This book, size A4 includes 114 colour pages with all the aircraft made in Bobigny and Calais as well as the mytic sets 62 and 70 and also the Concorde and Super Mystère.
This beautiful book costs 59,99 € payable by bank check, IBAN transfer or cash, I will give you my postal adress by email. I accept Sterling Pounds and US Dollars in cash.
The canadian company Spin Master who owns MECCANO and ERECTOR announces that it's Calais factory will close down next October. This is the end of a long adventure which started at the very end of the 19th centuary. With a production span of 122 years the MECCANO is the toy which has been made for the longest time. With 71 years of production Lego has still a long way to beat the Meccano.
Although I do not see any confirmation on the Spin Master website, this is undoubtedly bad news for the workers of Calais. However, I don't think there's any danger to the future of Meccano. For many years now, most of the Spin Master sets, whether branded as Meccano or Meccano by Erector, have been made in China, Calais producng only a trickle. The current Meccano range, mostly items of a sort not calculated to appeal to Meccano traditionalists, appears to be robust and ongoing.
It is of course a shame that both Meccano and Lego specialize now in specialized, often licensed, sets designed to make specific models, instead of general-purpose sets that stimulate a child's imagination. I'm sure one reason they do so is that the patents on the basic building set principles have expired, whereas it is possible to protect the specific set designs.
Inciddntally I discovered the other day that what appears to be one of the higher-quality Meccano knockoffs, with some traditional sets available, is made in Bombay, India under the Mechanix name by a company called Zephyr Toys. I sm sure that if the worst hppened and Spin Master went bust (which does not seem to be happening) this company or another would purchase the trademark and continue Meccano production. But yes, in China, Vietnam, or other low-wage country, since that is the toy industry today.
Meccano lives! And unlike recent "Dinky Toys," it is still aimed at children.
Test (what's going on?) Image files appear to fail to be uploaded, but do when adding them in the edit mode to an existing post.
Mine aren't loading either.
I did a test and tried posting photos from a few month back that posted fine then and now it says they are too big or don't even load.
Frustrating indeed
Auto email notification of new posts has also been broken for over a week. All that gets sent through are blank templates with no content or links.
Same here.
Somewhere near the end of last month, a mandatory urgent update was performed. Although it seemed successful, now it's clear that the text formatting tools and image uploader are not appearing/not working in the forum comments section. What's frustrating about this is that the features work fine on other pages and even on the first post on a forum thread. Also, the email notifications are not replacing tokens for content. I've spent many hours already searching for a fix for these issues and I'm hoping to have solutions soon, if you can bear with me.
Thanks for the update, of course!
Good news, thought it was just me.
Thank you and good luck with the fix.
new test
test user test
cache flush test
new token test
reverse token test
reverse token test https
They certainly are, thanks for your efforts!
Thanks for all your efforts, Al!
Thank you Al.
Thank you, Al.
Trailer Caravans
Trailer Caravans
Trailer Caravans
—37c Dispatch rider (37-40)
Membership renewal
Membership renewal
Membership renewal
Christmas 2024
2024 AGM
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
Dinky 582/982 Pullmore - Dark Blue Cab/Dark Blue Body
DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
--33 Mechanical Horse and Five Assorted Trailers
2024 AGM
186 Mercedes 220 SE
186 Mercedes 220 SE
--14a and 400 B.E.V. Electric Truck (1948-60)
--33 Mechanical Horse and Five Assorted Trailers
--25m and 410 Bedford End Tipper (1948-63)
--25m and 410 Bedford End Tipper (1948-63)
Trailer Caravans
Austin Van 470
Meccano Liverpool pricelist French F.A.S. Tarif Exportation 1957
2024 AGM
2024 AGM