These are not different colours but different shades. The cab may have been painted an other day from the chassis and trailer. There are many factors involved in different shades : thickness of the paint, curing time and temperature, dampness, has the painting machine been properly flushed from the previous colour used, etc...
Richard is the expert for this problem.
The sand coloured spare wheels are the early ones, they were painted separately before assembly. It was obvious that assembling them unpainted and painting the sub assembly in a single operation was easyer and a tiny bit cheaper although incorrect as the truck's hubs are not white.
Jacques is completely right !
I will add that, the paint supplier (HADFIELDS) could have not obtained the right shade when it manufactured the last order from Meccano but as Meccano needed this paint urgently, they accepted the lot with this difference.
Kind regards
Many thanks for your explanation - makes perfect sense.
Not quite certain with your comments:
" . . . . the paint supplier (HADFIELDS) could have not obtained the right shade when it manufactured the last order from Meccano but as Meccano needed this paint urgently, they accepted the lot with this difference", as Jacques wrote:
"The sand coloured spare wheels are the early ones, they were painted separately before assembly."
You will note that my example has the sand-coloured (early issue) spare wheels, so that would make my example an early issue rather than a part of "the last order". No doubt the same could have been true throughout the entire production run of the 893. One can also see that even the spare had a different shade of paint! This also shows with the photo provided by Jacques.
Kind regards
Richard has gone away for a few days. His English is what it is but at least he trys and that is much more than many people do.
In his post above he means that the paint manufacturer Hadfields could not provide readily for Meccano the exact shade of paint to match a previous order. As Meccano needed that paint urgently they accepted the nearest tone of paint to complete a batch of trucks most part of which were already painted : trailer, chassis, hubs and spare wheel washers. This explains why the cab is of a different shade. This colour combination may or may not be very rare.
Just received this today and was very happy to open the box and see it for the first time. It is a 29C AEC bus, the early post war version, without the stairs. It is in wonderful condition, with just a few minor scratches, etc., but the paint is very shiny and it looks to have been kept in a box as it has not faded at all, and the tires are still somewhat pliable. I had bought another version of this last year, in the green and cream finish, but this one is much nicer.
The books say this was made from 1946 through 1948, so am sure these all came with the standard black wheels of that time. The other very good news was I bought this on eBay, from a U.S. dealer and I got it for a very modest amount, considering it is not very common in this condition.
I am also posting a few pictures of its close sibling...the Leyland bus, produced right after this was discontinued. You can clearly see the many differences to the front...the radiator grill, the window sizes, etc.
Hi Terry, congratulations! I was within an acre of bidding on it, but I hesitated when I saw the scratches on the rear right mudguard. I must admit it is a beauty! Kind regards, Jan
Jan--Thanks.....I have been looking pretty hard for nice examples of these early buses, and just do not see many. Most are quite scratched up, as they must have been popular play toys. This is the nicest 1st post war version that I have seen, so it was good enough to add to my collection.
Following my post on page 20, the red forward control lorry ref. 420 arrived today !
Waiting for the next one ! ;)
Kind regards
By the way, thanks Jacques for your help ! I did not know that my english was so poor !
Kind regards
Today a long awaited and probably final addition to my Guy Vans arrived. It is a 918 Guy Ever Ready with a first type cab. Most likely made in early 1955. It is shown alongside my second cab version which has a date stamp of 12 55 on its box. (I am now only missing a 514 Weetabix with ridged hubs. My Weetabix has Supertoy hubs, but I am more than happy with one!)
Kind regards,
And a close up of the front of the cab.
Following my post on page 20, the red forward control lorry ref. 420 arrived today !
Hi Richard,
Nice addition your 420, there are quite a number of colour and wheel variations on this model. So, good hunting! ;)
Kind regards,
hoort wrote:
"And a close up of the front of the cab. "
Hi Rob,
You have no idea how pleased I am with this picture! I guessed that this version must be out there, but had never seen evidence, I've now adjusted my wants list by removing the ? which means "might not exist".
Do you have a Spratt's van with the front webs cab? That's the other one I'm missing, and that still has a ?
Chris Warr.
Hi Chris,
It took me a long time to find the 1st cab Ever Ready. I have seen it before as I also have seen the 2nd cab Spratt's. I do not have it in my collection, so I do not have a picture. But I am sure it exists.
Kind regards,
Thank you Rob. It will be hard.
Good night
Marvellous Rob, it never crossed my mind that a first type cab might be in existence on the Ever Ready Van! A good indication that these first types were still in production in 1955 or very short before. Indeed the 1955 catalogue shows a first type:
I will have to be satisfied with my second type example (and I am!):
Kind regards, Jan
A new addition to the collection arrived yesterday. A very nice red no. 405 Universal Jeep.
There are many colour variations, but I'm glad to have the basic trio now!
On this occasion I quickly assembled a contribution regarding this model, in an appropriate new thread.
Kind regards, Jan
A nice one Dave, both model and trade box!
My latest arrivals demonstrate that I seem to have gone 'red mad':
Kind regards, Jan
I like all of those Jan, but particularly the small Jeep.
Dave and Jan, your new arrivals are very nice and all mint !
Mine below arrived yesterday but not mint at all !
Anyway, I am very happy with the Panhard 32 A because it is very uncommon !
The Ford SNCF has been repainted but the canopy is ok and all the tyres are original.
The Forward Control Lorry had a very poor look when it arrived.
The Forward before cleaning !
Kind regards
It always amazes me how people can sell items covered in dirt.
It takes such a small amount of time to clean them and they will inevitably get more money for them.
Today I received a pre war Studebaker 39f.
No fatigue in the body, bright yellow color, thin axles, smooth hubs and lacquered baseplate. Just small pieces of the original tyres were left so I had to replace them. Now this rare model can join my other 39 models.
That is a lovely pre-war Studebaker.......that yellow fits it very nicely..... A very nice find!
Ooooh that is nice. Dave
Chris, happy for you ! some 39's are saved again ! congratulations
Splendid John ! I like very much the Studebaker
Kind regards.
Hi all, my 39f was one of the very few repaints in my collection and I sold it a couple of years ago, but without having acquired a decent authentic replacement in advance. So now this Studebaker is the only 39 wanting! I have no pre-war ambitions in this respect, but nice to see the yellow pre-war example. They are virtually non existent in pristine condition anymore ...
Kind regards, Jan
I received my first Mighty Antar Tank Transporter for Christmas in 1956, and I was young enough then that I still played quite a bit with my Dinky's. I still have it, and fortunately, it is still in pretty good condition, but far from excellent. So when I spied a Mighty Antar and Centurion Tank Gift Set for sale, I decided it was time to get a nice copy for my collection and display. Fortunately, it still retains the interior liner in the box and is a not perfect, but very nice addition, and I got it for a reasonable price.
First, here is mine from Christmas, 1956
The older one along with the Centurion Tank of similar vintage
Here is a Grafil G.1010 Centurion Tank which is virtually identical to the Dinky 651 Tank.
All I have been able to find out about Grafil is what I could get from the internet and my information is as follows: Grafil were in Argentina, the company was owned by Francisco Grasso and they copied Britains models.
Does anyone have any more information on Grafil?
Many thanks Dave
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