Having made a replica of this lovely pre-war tinplate item (which was on display at the recent AGM), I am about to start on the construction of a second one, hopefully avoiding the mistakes I made first time around. To this end, I've been studying photographs from many sources, and have identified a significant variation. Quite apart from the three colour choices I've found, (orange base/yellow roof, all green and all light blue), there are two different sized roofs. The one which I guess to be the earliest extends almost to the very front edge of the base, the other seems to be almost an inch shorter, and ends directly above where the driveway and the pump platform meet. There may also be some difference in the overhang at the back - some roofs finish flush with the wall, and some seem to project slightly beyond, although this may be a photographic illusion. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a genuine Dinky to check. Can anyone confirm my observations, and possibly provide measurements?
- Kevin.
Dear Kevin
Congratulations for having made your own Service station.
This is what I know about this model :
Lithographed tin plate construction
There are two models the roof width of which is different : 112 or 94 mm., the roof of the narrower extends further over the rear of the "office".
• Light green base and roof
• Dark green base and roof
• Light green base, yellow roof
• Light blue base and roof
• Orange base, yellow roof
• Other colour combinations may exist with orange base and brown roof
Dimensions of the base : 134 x 194 mm.
This photo shows the overhanging at the rear but how much is it ?
I do not have the mesurements for the rear overhanging, more mesurements have to be made and recordrd for this model.
Thank you, I've actually made two - I kept the first one, and the second was made as a gift for a good friend of mine and is on display in his collectors' toy shop, "Replicar" in Halifax, England. I noticed the differences in roof widths, some seem to extend further forward over the petrol pump area than others.
Continuing my photography of all kinds of toy garages I was struck by the difference of two Dinky Garages. The one showed above already has blank green doors, whereas the one I had in front of my camera yesterday has the planking pattern on the doors. The latter seems common to me, but on the other hand I suspect they can be replicas because of the undamaged appearance and the shiny handle. Your comments, please! Kind regards, Jan
Hi Jan, In Meccano magazines and Meccano catalogues, the Garage is always depicted with plank doors with 2 silver-coloured windows as pictured below.
Consulting Vectis auctions, most garages have these plank doors with silver colored windows and 3 holes for the bolt, but there are also a few with plain doors, as on your 1st photo, that look the same except for the planks and windows. In the 2nd photo of you, the plank doors indeed look like replicas. For the closure, there must be 3 holes near the bolt in the right door and this one has only one hole and is equipped with a completely different unknown bolt. The 2 windows must also be silver coloured instead of black. I'm attaching pictures from a garage I've had that clearly show these differences. I have pictures from all sides of the garage.
Kind Regards, Jan Oldenhuis, 19 November 2021
Thank you Jan, I'm convinced now that I can skip the last one. Is it known which one is first, the plain version or the one with planking pattern on the doors? Anyway, the plain version seems to be quite scarce. Kind regards, Jan W
I acquired a plain-door version earlier this year quite affordably. I had been unaware of this version, and was worried that the doors were replacements. However, when I received it everything seemed quite genuine. I am glad to know there are others like it!
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
-274 - A.A. Mini van
Dinky Toys books
2024 AGM
--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)
--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)
-066 Bedford Flat Truck (1957-60)
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--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)
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DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
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DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)
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--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)
--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)
--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)
--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)
DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
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