Unfortunately, the email notification appears to broken again…. The contributor is identifiable but all other details are blank again with just various comment placeholders.
Will the updates fix the photo posting too?
I was hoping it would work, but clearly it still is not working. I will try another approach this evening
Thank you Al for all your hard work!
I agree, thanks, Al, for your efforts!
Kind regards, Jan
test message
chrome dev tools css display element ckeditor
inline img ckeditor
plaintext edit
After a long time of testing and seeking a fix, it looks like the forum comments and image upload issues will not be easily remedied. Also the fragile notification feature is broken again. This website is an old version in terms of technology - at least 10 years out of date and no longer supported by its developers. In November, even the community of supporters will disband and leave for the current version. I could continue try to make repairs but due to the time that it might take and because it's inevitable that the site must upgrade to the present day version by november anyway, I've decided to focus on the transition now although it will leave the forum functionality unavailable for maybe a couple of weeks. The hopeful outcome is for a fresher, better, more stable website.
Fully understandable, Al. Take your time. We cannot add all kinds of information, but we can still use, derive and enjoy the accumulated information, which is still available. Although I am a nitwit on these website matters, please let me know if I can be of any help. Kind regards, Jan
I guess it had to be done eventually.
Thank you again for all your hard tedious work on this time consuming project but the good news the forums will function better than ever.
Al, do you happen to have any information for us on an ETA for the transition to the new software? Some had read what you wrote as saying that the change could not be done until November, but I think what you were saying is that it HAS to be done by then, so might as well go forward now. If there is anything at all that can be done to help with testing or anything else, please let us know.
Since the problems with the website started, I managed to add or replace some fifteen interesting Dinky Toys. I would love to show them in some detail and discuss them in the relevant topics, but alas ...
The longer this breakdown lasts, the more harm it will do to the DTCA, the mutual interaction of its members and the increase of the knowledge of Dinky Toys history, I'm afraid. Kind regards, Jan
Unfortunately, I agree. This extended downtime will cause all but the most loyal members to forget about the Forum entirely. In this day and age, getting the website fixed ought to be the very first consideration of the DTCA. Perhaps the UK members who are able to meet in person as a social club do not feel the loss so particularly, but for us international members who have no way to be there, this is very destructive.
There are now a variety of Dinky related groups on Facebook, and even some DTCA members spend quite a bit of time there. Unfortunately, it’s apparent from the majority of postings there that most people are not knowledgeable about Dinky history. It’s not a good substitute.
I don't have much to contribute but I very much miss the wonderful contributions of members like Jan O and Jan W, Terry, Johnny, Bruce, Walter et al.
I'm not sure what needs doing to rectify the system but I hope all my fellow members will continue to support the DTCA until we can return to a normal situation.
It seems like a good opportunity to put together articles for the Journal.
Fingers crossed for the future.
I too have some new additions since January when the forum became problematic I would like to share just like Jan. I miss posting photos and chatting with my fellow members especially since I have been a member for under two years. I enjoy the club, writing articles for the Journal magazine and most of all the forum.
It would be nice to have it up and running properly again and, some communication/updates as to when that will happen. There has been none in months.
Has anyone reached out to Al or the club officials as to when that will be happening?
I too hope the forum can be up and running soon. It's a valuable tool for contacting other members by PM or email and submitting photographs to enhance a comment or query. The quarterly journal is also very important for informative articles and reaching those members who do use a computer; but the journal cannot beat the spontaneity of the forum.
Vic Mumby
I hope to have the new website completed soon. This website is technically obsolete and the issues with posting images are probably already unfixable. I did spent a lot of time trying, but the designers of that particular component have already shut up shop and there is no support. Being of a newer type, the new website should have better features - although I'll try to implement it so that it doesn't feel too much different of an experience.
Thanks, Al, for keeping us informed. This makes us hopeful. Thank you very much for your efforts!
Kind regards, Jan
Thanks for all your hard work, I certainly miss being able to see and contribute new information to the forum. Let's hope that the new system works well and is not too difficult for us to understand.
That is good news Al.
Looking forward to the finished product and thank you for your hard work.
Yes, thank you for all the hard work Al. I hope the new site does not include those irritating adverts that refuse to go away.
Yes, I hate the adverts, wish we could get rid of them.
Your hard work is certainly appreciated by myself, but not sure what the problem is just wish I could help.
Hello all
I am looking for some information about the sale by Sothebys of the Jan Vital-Remy collection. The sale's catalogue front cover shows a colour sample of the black Triumph 1800 saloon #40b
Can some one provide by email (as it can not be posted here) a scan of the front cover of the Sotheby's catalogue, a scan of the the catalogue's description of this colour sample and the date of the sale.
I'm very sorry to let you know that Dave Busfield passed away suddenly, yesterday. His wife Julie just let me know. We were friends since ca. 2005, stayed with each other more than once, admired our collections and shared our immense interest in Dinky Toys and their history, and writing about the subject. Further details are not known to me, yet. I guess many will share my condolences to Julie and his family. Jan Werner
Sad news, indeed. My condolences to his family.
Very sad to hear this. In the two years since I have joined the club he was always very nice to correspond with. My condolences to his family.
This is sad news to hear. David contributed significantly to the journal and website - contributions which will be greatly missed by everybody. I hadn't had any emails from him for a couple of months but I read his article in the last mag and just assumed he was going okay.
Hello members ! I wish you all a very pleasant year hopping that you will find a lot of rare dinky toys.
I started this year with 3 new items. It's my first Studebaker Maraicher and I am very happy with.
Here are the photo !
Kind regards
Sorry but I can't join a photo ! I do as usual but nothing happened.
Thank you Richard! I guess it will take some more patience before you can show your additions. This goes for me and others too. I could have presented numerous new additions with their data and documentation too since the problems arose. Let's hope we can enrich the contents of this wonderful DTCA website soon! Kind regards, Jan
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
Trailer Caravans
Trailer Caravans
Trailer Caravans
—37c Dispatch rider (37-40)
Membership renewal
Membership renewal
Membership renewal
Christmas 2024
2024 AGM
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
Dinky 582/982 Pullmore - Dark Blue Cab/Dark Blue Body
DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
--33 Mechanical Horse and Five Assorted Trailers
2024 AGM
186 Mercedes 220 SE
186 Mercedes 220 SE
--14a and 400 B.E.V. Electric Truck (1948-60)
--33 Mechanical Horse and Five Assorted Trailers
--25m and 410 Bedford End Tipper (1948-63)
--25m and 410 Bedford End Tipper (1948-63)
Trailer Caravans
Austin Van 470