A trade box containing three individually boxed 301 Field Marshall Tractors. In the picture are four boxed examples showing the three variations in model and four in box style. Just to make it complete.
The earliers example in the dual numbered box is the only one with
an orange exhaust stack. As far as I know, there are no more variations of this model, or perhaps one with green metal wheels and an orange exhaust stack is out there?
An excellent collection of Field-Marshall tractors together with the Trade Pack that would have been used for all except the first version. The Trade Pack replaced the earlier Trade Boxes once the models were individually packaged in their own yellow box. I have several of these, for the 180 Packard Clipper and 253 Ambulance as well as Trade Pack for the French Dinky 551 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith. Here is my Trade Pack for the Packard Clipper, which was quality stamped in October 1961.
Trade Box of 30N Farm Produce Wagon with the three color variations.
Kind regards,
Rob--What a colorful box full of trucks! So nice to see all of those trade boxes, often filled with different colored cars and trucks, and several of you have so many to show.
I feel somewhat lacking in this department, but I do have just a few trade boxes to show, so will post these now. Unfortunately, only one of them was full of models...the other two are just boxes I obtained with the last model in them.
This first one is memorable to me, as I found it and the Citroen 11BL in it in a tiny toy store in east San Diego, that I had never visited before, in 1959, and it held a pristine grey Citroen which I have always been very fond of.
This next one is for the Midget Saloon
And this last one is for the Robot Traffic signal. I had ordered one of the signals from H.Hudson Dobson, and they accidentally sent me the whole box. I wrote them back, offering to return them, but they said to just keep them, as they were not very expensive.........again, around 1959.
Nice tradeboxes.
From 1958 to 1961 the 773 trafic light was $ 0.35 and Hudson Dobson probably has too many in stock that did not sale, offering them to you was a good advertissement and that helped to clear their shelves.
Some time ago, I already posted the following trade box in the thread of the Ford Vedette Taxi.
Kind regards
I have also a few french tradeboxes, all obtained free fifty years ago.
dinkyfan wrote:
"Rob--What a colorful box full of trucks! So nice to see all of those trade boxes, often filled with different colored cars and trucks, and several of you have so many to show.
I feel somewhat lacking in this department, but I do have just a few trade boxes to show, so will post these now. Unfortunately, only one of them was full of models...the other two are just boxes I obtained with the last model in them.
And this last one is for the Robot Traffic signal. I had ordered one of the signals from H.Hudson Dobson, and they accidentally sent me the whole box. I wrote them back, offering to return them, but they said to just keep them, as they were not very expensive.........again, around 1959.
It is nice to see someone have a win! A full box of 773 for the price of one?! Wish Australia had a distributor like H. Hudson Dobson!
I can imagine that they sent a full trade box. Writing to the other side of the US and ordering such a tiny piece of metal, with all attention, correspondence and administration involved! This direct consumer - importing agent trade is rather curious and can hardly have been profitable for Hudson-Dobson. With us I presume we immediately would have been referred to the nearest retailer! This must have been a special American facility, as I know of other US collectors who also had this direct personal attentention, communication and trade with H-D. In fact I remember having had such a kind of communication with Airfix in the 1960s. Without hesitation they sent missing or damaged tiny parts in large envelopes. Those were the days ...
Kind regards, Jan
It is not only lovely to see the trade boxes, but also to hear the stories behind them: how they ended up in your collections.
Empty trade boxes, free of charge, probably saved from the bin 50 years ago...
Ordering one Robot Traffic Signal, getting a trade box,offering to send it back and hearing just to keep it....in 1959!
Indeed those were the days, memories to cherish, thanks for sharing.
Kind regards,
Now this is what I call a "trade box"!! :laugh: :laugh:
. . . . . . .
Fantastic Bruce! Could be the start of your own obsolete diecast shop!
Kind regards,
In fact, these are not Dinky. They are "Auto Pilen" re branded as Dinky.
The six models in the 1154? series were the last French models sold as Dinky, their baseplate was a modified Pilen one hardly modified.
Bruce"s picture of the largest tradebox that I have seen explains that the models were shipped from Spain in large cartons of fifty and then repacked by six in France. It also explains why I have never found a tradebox or outer for any of the Dinky made in spain.
There were some specific tradeboxes for the models packed in cristal boxes.
Very scarce boxes are thoses for the Dinky Junior.
Bruce, could you please post some large photos (3/4 front, 3/4 rear, base) of any of your Chrysler Simca 1308, the models of the 1154? series are very rare, they came two years after the last Dinky Toys , were never advertised and most collectors were not aware that they existed. They are also rare because some collectors stock them by sets of fifty. :laugh:
Do you have several of these cartons ?
139B Hudson Commodore Sedan. The trade box is not full yet. The four models are all different.
The light blue model is very rare.
Kind regards,
I have never seen that light blue Hudson before......very nice!
30M Rear Tipping Wagon, with some rare color variations. All except the cream hub version have bonnet louvres.
Kind regards,
hoort wrote:
"139B Hudson Commodore Sedan. The trade box is not full yet. The four models are all different.
The light blue model is very rare.
Kind regards,
Greetings Rob
Nice to see that light blue Hudson. I had an example which I sold through a leading Auction House earlier this year. I was "slightly" upset when I saw it listed with two other common models and given a stupid low estimate. Fortunately it failed to sell, and before it was re-listed, I re-wrote the description and it finally sold for its true value. Mine had large base-plate letters, so would that make this version a 171? Also, as can be seen, it is certainly not in the same condition as yours. Not many collectors are aware of this very rare colour variation, (my example had slightly different coloured hubs compared to the usual blue) otherwise my example would have been snatched up for a very low price.
.. ... ..................
Hi Bruce,
Nice to see you had one too! Mine also has large letters on the baseplate and darker wheels than the dark blue Hudson. I think the light blue model was produced in a small quantity around the renumbering. This color scheme with only the roof being a different color, is also seen on the artwork of individual dual numbered and 171 numbered boxes. I bought mine unboxed, so could have been from a late dual numbered trade box. Your guess is as good as mine!
Kind regards,
Read all (well, a lot) about it in 'Dinky's American Dream', an article by Nigel Mynheer (Model Collector October 2001 pp. 31-35, there pp. 33-35), and the respective section in the Chistie's catalogue of the Remy-Meeus collection part 1 (24-25 September 2001), pp. 71-73.
Kind regards, Jan
The trade box without dividers for 31B TROJAN VAN (DUNLOP)
Trade box with dividers for the 786 TYRE RACK WITH TYRES priced at 4/- each. The price indicates a late issue as 4/- was the advertised UK price for each tyre rack with tyres during 1966 and 1967.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The later Tyre rack tradebox.
Dinkinius wrote:
"Trade box with dividers for the 786 TYRE RACK WITH TYRES priced at 4/- each. The price indicates a late issue as 4/- was the advertised UK price for each tyre rack with tyres during 1966 and 1967. "
This box then may have been older stock that was issued early in 1966 as the last price notification of 3/11 came in August 1965. Followed by the last type as shown by Jacques' box without the border. Certainly the price of 4/6 was current for the time-frame quoted, and Meccano was rather rigid on issuing firm price charges rather than suggested prices.
36A Armstrong Siddeley Limousine with six models. The maroon and the saxe blue are quite scarce colours.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
An unusual small trade box of six 078 Lansing Bagnall trailers. The Lansing Bagnall is towing all six of them. I wonder whether or not these trailers were sold seperately or sold as a set to make a small "train".
Kind regards,
The 076 was one tractor with a trailer, the 078 was a trade box of six trailers.
It was a common sight to see a tractor and multiple trailers at the larger Railway stations such as London, Leeds Birmingham etc. Usually operated by Royal Mail with the trailers absolutely full of sacks.
The individual availibility allowed a realistic set up on a platform.
When I bought my Dinky illuminated sign there was also an 078 trade of trailers but by then I had spent up!!!
hoort wrote:
"Hi all,
An unusual small trade box of six 078 Lansing Bagnall trailers. The Lansing Bagnall is towing all six of them. I wonder whether or not these trailers were sold seperately or sold as a set to make a small "train".
Kind regards,
Rob "
How were the trailers packaged inside the larger box? I presume wrapped individually with tissue paper.
Mr Toyman in his article announcing the release of the Lansing Bagnall Tractor and Trailer #076 in the June 1960 issue of the Meccano Magazine, and he indicated that the trailer would be available from dealers separately. A price leaflet dated June 1960 includes the 078 trailer. I have a Dealer Order Form dated Mid-November 1960 with the 078 trailers the wholesale price of which was 4/8 for the box of six and the retail price of 1/4 sold individually. Based on a price list, the 078 was available at least as late as August 1969, far later than 1964 quoted in some modern-day catalogues. As a matter of interest, the 078 trade box of six Lansing Bagnall trailers was the last Dublo Dinky manufactured, and it made its last appearance in the Dinky Toys Order Form dated July 1969.
Kind regards
Hi Bruce,
The trailers are packaged in one larger tissue paper, wrapped so they did not touch each other. It looks original.
Nice to know that they were also priced individually!
Kind regards,
As mentioned above the 076 Tractor and 078 Trailer were introduced in June 1960. Here is Page 3 from the 1960 Dinky catalogue which shows them for the first time.
They were always meant to be an individual item and priced at 1/4 each
And by July 1969, the retail price had jumped to a whopping 1/6 a price it had carried since about February 1961! More than 8 years without an increase in price. What a difference then and now!
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
-255 Mersey Tunnel Police Van (1955-61)
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186 Mercedes 220 SE
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