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  • Total Visitors: 1674607
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  • Since: 02/05/2025 - 13:12
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The Journal. (cont...)

buzzer999's picture

Thanks Terry

Model Collector do pay for articles which is why the DTCA has been starved of articles in some quarters. MC cover a very wide range of items from Dinky, Corgi etc. up to modern issues.

If you pm me with your address I will send you one as I am a subscriber and I don't tend to keep the issues after I have read them.



Hi all,
Just got the new Journal, great to see Adrian's orange roller there on the front, and nice big article too.
Also John's 25h article is excellent. Good to see the website getting coverage again anyway.
Chris Warr.

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Just received the April 2015 issue of The Journal: a good read, a lot of new fundamental information and a feast for the eye!

I'm glad that The Journal is at full speed again, well-laid out, superb images and 24 pages thick. Dave (Busfield), I trust your wonderful extensive summary of the Aveling Barford Diesel Roller discussion must persuade many DTCA members who did not yet, to pay a visit to the unique forum discussions we are performing here, the loads of surprising Dinky Toys images included.
And I am proud of the extremely expert contributions of my fellow-countryman and friend John Beugels. John did it again, this time with the splendid Streamlined Fire Engine article, with a first detailed look into the factory drawing details!
Thanks and kind regards, Jan


Who is that distinguished looking Gentleman taking a picture of the Road Roller though?

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Hi Chris, well, distinguished looking Gentleman?
I presume that is just an ADTC (Anonymous Dinky Toys Collector).
Kind regards, Jan

dinkyfan's picture

The latest Journal is a very well done and most interesting one, and I really appreciated the article and drawings on the 25h & 25k Fire Engine.....very nicely done!

Dinkinius's picture
AustraliaDTCA Member

As always, Australia seems to be at the last in the mail chain - so I and everyone here will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of the latest issue. Good to see that Adrian's orange roller made it to the cover as well as his nice big article. Well done! Looking forward to receiving it and "devouring" everything else including the streamline fire engine.

Bruce (150)

AustraliaDTCA Member

Hello everybody from 'Down-under',

my joining the DTCA several years ago was prompted by coming across the DTCA website on the internet, and finding the wealth of information contained in both the Forum and the Journals included there.

Having just received the latest Journal (as Bruce says, it takes time to arrive here) and knowing from previous posts that Dave had organized part of my submission on the 25P/251 Aveling-Barford Roller to be included, it was with some trepidation that I opened the envelope to see if the article maintained the standards of other more senior contributors - which I believe it did. I was particularly pleased that the article included the responses from several other members, which demonstrated the lively discussions which the Forum generates.

Anyway, this is just to say thank-you to Dave, Jan and everybody involved for co-ordinating with the new Editor, Mike Forbes, in the inclusion of the article in the Journal. As many of us know, producing a 'readable' post, together with suitable photographs, can be a time-consuming process (research, rough copy, photography etc.) and I am only just now getting the hang of it! Particularly with photography, the setting-up and attempting to get the lighting right (in my case using only natural sunlight, which we have plenty of down here) can be both frustrating and rewarding, but also educating - and a chance to 'play' with our toys as well!

As stated in the Journal, it is hoped that we can attract more members to the DTCA, and that more members who do not access or contribute will be encouraged to 'have a go' - we are all in this for much the same reasons, the fascination of the products of Binns Road - and sharing this with other like-minded people is half the fun.

Thanks to all for another excellent and most informative issue of the Journal!

Regards to everybody, Adrian Nash (141)

Dinkinius's picture
AustraliaDTCA Member


Well Adrian has beaten me to the punch with his take on the latest Journal. A fabulous issue and 90% marks to the editor and all who have had a hand in its production!

What is with the 90% and not 100%! May well you ask - and although Adrian will probably chastise me at great length, but I think greater emphasis should be given in future Journal articles that had their origin in The Forum, with the name of the original author being given greater emphasis. As Adrian has written, the preparation of an item for The Forum does take considerable time with its research, the writing of the story, the photographs themselves as well as the selection of images, re-sizing these for the website, and so on. I have lost count of the number of times when The Better Half has spoken to me with these words, "Why do you spend so much time on the computer?" when I am working on a Forum Thread!! (I have not had the heart to tell TBH that I am actually communicating to my mistress!! :laugh: :laugh: )

Although each article selected for The Journal may require some editing and perhaps a little re-writing, I do think the original author's name should be given greater prominence.

Then it will earn my extra 10%!! (For what it is worth!)

Kind regards and especially to the team on The Journal.

Bruce (150)
11 June 2015

buzzer999's picture

Hi Guys.

I was asked by the committee to identify topics in the journal that may be pertinent for inclusion in a Forum thread in the Quarterly DTCA Journal.

Identifying these and the cutting and pasting everything for the Jornal takes a few hours for each issue.

I have no control over how these items appear in the journal, and DO NOT ask for my name at the top of the page - that is the remit of the Journal Editor Mike Forbes.

I am presently involved in HUNDREDS of hours of work in trying to revamp the website with Jan Werner and John Beugels.

It is obvious from these comments that my efforts to include Forum items in the Journal is not appreciated.

From now on someone else will have to do this - ANY VOLUNTEERS ?????????. The DTCA Committee can't be bothered!!!!

Over to you guys


dinkyfan's picture

I do not think that there is any question but that all of us that participate regularly on the Forum most certainly do appreciate all that you have done for both the forum, but especially the Journal. Your time spent as editor went unappreciated by the Board, but those of us who actively read it saw your fingerprints all over was your efforts that made it the nice publication that it became.
Most of us have no real idea the time you have spent "behind the scenes" on so many activities here; please do not be discouraged....we need you and your fine efforts!


buzzer999's picture

Thanks Terry

Here is a message I have just sent to the DTCA Committee:

Dear DTCA Committee
Please see attached some unwarranted comments from the Forum on the presentation of Forum Items which have been included with the DTCA Journal.
I, Jan Werner, John Beugels and David Kaun are spending literally thousands of hours between us on creating the new DTCA Forum.
At the SPECIFIC REQUEST of David Cooke, once every four months, I take time away from this task to identify items for possible inclusion in the DTCA Journal. This was explained to me by David Cooke that it would enable the Journal to GROW to 20 pages in length.
This of course is TOTALLY FACTUALLY INCORRECT during my tenure as Editor betweed April 2009 and October 2012 I grew the Journal from 12 pages per issue to a MINIMUM of 20 pages per issue on a regular basis, and occasionally 24 pages in length. All the Journal has done now is gone back to where it was three years ago!!!!!!!!!!! That cannot be considered to be progressive.
It is obvious from the comments on the thread of 11th June that my time spent on this aspect of the Journal is not appreciated in any way at all.
I know it is a total anathema to all the DTCA committee members to look at a computer, or the Forum, but someone will have to do it as I am no longer going to waste my precious time on this task.
David Busfield

Perhaps someone from here would like to liaise with Mike - I definitely will not be.


Dinkinius's picture
AustraliaDTCA Member


Having given your recent posts considerable thought, wondering exactly what it was that provided you with so much grief, and still not understanding exactly what it was that initiated such affront, I would like to offer you my sincere apologies through this medium for any anguish my post has caused you. My Post was not addressed to you, and my comments were not directed at you personally nor were they criticism of your role but an editorial suggestion that was intended to have been conveyed to the editor who can either accept the comment or reject it which is his prerogative. As far as I and others are aware with you having selected the Forum posts, the style, arrangement, set-up, how the name of the original author is displayed plus the font used in The Journal is the responsibility of the editor.

It is difficult to understand why it was so crucial for the chairman to put you in the position of determining Journal copy from the Forum anyway instead of the editor. This has obviously placed excessive responsibility on your shoulders bearing in mind the work with the new website in which you are a pivotal team member but as that is what the chairman has requested then the consensus is any further action after you have provided the Journal editor with the copy should rest with the impartiality of the editor. I had absolutely no idea that what was an innocent suggestion, would have had such devastating consequences with the regrettable actions that have been initiated.

Again I do sincerely apologise for the heartache my post has brought upon you and I sincerely hope you will reconsider the decision that you have so unfortunately made as without a doubt the Association needs dedicated members like you with your various roles, such as your assistance with The Journal, and the work on the website that can continue without hindrance or impediment. There is one possible solution that may help to rescind your most regrettable recent actions and this can be discussed through our private emails if you consider the need still exists.


Bruce (150)
15 June 2015

buzzer999's picture

Dear Bruce.

I am truly sorry if my reaction caused distress. All I can say is that at the time I never looked at who had written the thread. All I saw was the criticism that my name was at the top of the article in a large font, and the name of who had written/originated it was below this in a small font. That was how I interpreted the thread.

It was never the Chairman to put me in this position. I received a personal telephone call from the President (David Cooke) of the DTCA who asked me to select suitable entries from the Forum for inclusion in the Journal which would the allow the Journal to "increase" to 24 pages in length.

I did point out to the President that during my tenure as Editor I had built the Journal from 12 pages to a consistent size of 24 pages and one issue of 28 pages!!!!

After I stood down as the Journal Editor it shrank in size to an average of 20 pages

It is sadly the remit of the President of the DTCA to CONSISTENTLY DENIGRATE and BELITTLE all my efforts to further the DTCA and increase it's membership. He even threatened to take me to court over a misunderstanding some years ago!!!!! What a big man.

This is the background Bruce as to why I reacted as I did.

It is far more deep than what has actully happened here.

Nowithstanding all this I have recently spent hundreds of hours with David Kaun, Jan Werner and John Beugels on attempting to build a new, and exciting, website for the members.

I do no not do things by halves, and after this has been completed I will be writing articles for the popular diecast magazines, they pay real money!! If in doubt ask the senior DTCA Committee members, that is what they do!!!

Sorry that you got caught in the crossfire Bruce - that was never my intention.


Richard's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Good evening everybody.

I received the october journal this morning and it is always very nice.

I did not read all yet but, I learnt that the next AGM will be held on saturday 25th june.

Unfortunately, I will not be with you for reasons of my son's wedding, the same date.

Friendly yours


dinkyfan's picture

I just received my copy of the latest Journal, and was delighted to see Jan's first installment of his series on his Catalog articles. These are wonderfully written, and provide great insight as to how serious Jan is about his Dinky collecting, and also how meticulous he is on maintaining records of each model and its history and development. We also need to realize and thank Jan for taking the time to translate and adapt his catalog articles for Journal use.....they are all written in his native Dutch language, so this all requires quite a bit of extra work.
Thanks again Jan, and I am quite sure all the members will enjoy and appreciate your fine efforts!
Regards, Terry

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Thanks Terry, too much honour, I just can't help it, the pleasure is all mine! Such wonderful items deserve the story they cannot tell themselves, don't they?

Kind regards, Jan

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands



Dear Members,

The Chairman and the Committee would like to apologise to members for the delay in posting out of July's issue of the Journal.

Due to clashing holiday dates and an unforeseen issue the mailing will probably not take place until mid September.

Please accept our sincere apologise for this delay.


DTCA Committee


Hello all!

This year has been very disrupted with personal medical problems and secondly the Covid situation, on top of which I've been away from home for a total of at least three months. I've been distracted enough that I haven't even remembered about issues of the journal. When I looked at the copies on my shelf I noted that the most recent issue was that of January 2020. Have any subsequent issues been published? I may well have missed any announcement on the matter so can anyone confirm a later issue than January?

I hope everyone is well and that next year all this disruption will be behind us.

Kind regards


janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

All 2020 issues have been published thus far: January, April, July and October. Perhaps you should check the state of your subscription by contacting the Membership Secretary or the Journal Distributor. Kind regards, Jan 


Thank you Jan. I will check with the Membership Sec to see whether I can determine if they were sent to my address.

I looked in the Publications section as I thought that I might recognise the cover illustrations for the later issues but there is only the January 2020 issue to be seen. This is what made me think perhaps some issues had been postponed.

I wonder whether you would be kind enough to post photographs of the three latest issues? That would help jog my memory.

Kind regards



janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

At your service, all 2020 issues:


Thank you so much Jan.
