Regarding the colour lozenge in the Desoto Diplomat's box of Terry's I can show some photos of the Chrysler Saratoga, a childhood French Dinky of mine. The open lozenge has the advantage that there is never a mismatch of the colour dot on the box and its contents. Although this is very efficient and obvious, in their catalogues and on the boxes themselves the French often showed even non-existing colours of the model, as this Chrysler's box (like the Desoto Diplomat's and many others') demonstrates. The warning for this difference, at the moment that you have almost opened the box already, is slightly late! Kind regards, Jan
Hello Jan
In regard to your comments above and those in the other Topic “New Arrivals” where an exchange took place on diamond cut-outs, I have previously noticed these on some French Dinky models, and always (correctly it seems!) assumed that it was a means of identifying the colour of the model inside without having to open the box. This unique identifying process seems to have been random and haphazard, but I am open to correction.
From what I have seen with the limited French Dinky models I have acquired, none of those without a cut-out carry a colour spot to identify the colour of the model inside the box in the same fashion as the Liverpool Company did. I assume it was always a case of open the box and see the colour, which was most likely very unkind treatment of the poor box even before it had been sold!
I have the diamond cut-out on my two 532 Lincoln Première and these are on one of the side panels. Although I have photographed both models, I never thought of photographing the diamond cut-out on the box’s side.
On the other hand, my 549 Coupé Borgward “Isabella” has the diamond cut-out on the base of the box which means the model has to be upside down in its box for the colour to be seen! At present the nice black base-plate is showing!
I will try and add a photograph or two later when the weather is better!
Finally, thank you Jan for helping to improve my English! I had never heard of a lozenge being used to describe something as being diamond-shaped! I always thought of a lozenge as a chewy sweet or medication! (I seem to recall in the far depths of my brain the use of this word in describing a diamond pattern on a road.) Thank you!
Kind regards
Hello Jan
As shown in the first image below, these are my two 532 Lincoln Premiére, showing the difference when models are inserted into their box either front or rearwards. (Depending on which end flaps are opened!)
Image 2 is the 549 Coupé Borgward “Isabella” which shows the difference in placement of the picture of the car which is now on the side panels, thus necessitating the diamond cut-out being on the upper panel of the box. With the upper panel having a description of the directional steering, this leaves only the lower panel available as shown in Image 3.
Image 4 shows what happens when the model is inserted into the box “right way up”, that is, sitting on its wheels. The diamond cut-out only shows the black of the base plate!
Image 5 shows the model’s colour when the model is placed inside its box “upside down”.
Image 6 shows more of the model’s colour when the model is placed inside the box, tail first!
Kind regards
Bruce, as far as I know the French did not use colour spots indeed. So it was clever to use this method of peeping in, no colour spots necessary and no confusion because of possible wrong colour spots. And indeed some contemporaries were lacking both colour spot and peeping lozenges (As I only write and spreak artificial 'vocabulary English' you may encounter such odd use of unfamiliar terms from me. Glad you appreciate it!). My boxes are not all ready accessible but I managed to lay one couple on the scanner: the turquoise 552 Chevrolet Corvair (hole on top, roof view) and the pink orange Desoto Diplomat (hole at the side of the box, showing main colour and silver detailing). Kind regards, Jan
Jan--Thanks for explaining and clarifying that "lozenge" cut out. It does make perfect sense, of course, but since I had never seen one before, or even seen it discussed, I was a little puzzled at first, and wondered if someone had cut into mine. It sounds like that practice might have started around 1960 or so? I will have to go back and re-examine my French boxes to see if anymore feature that.
Best regards, Terry
Thanks Bruce, for demonstrating the boxes of the Lincoln Premiere and the Borgward. I think that we can carefully conclude that most - if not all - boxes with colour diamonds will do satisfactorily, except for the Borgward's box, the placing of the colour opening of which seems to be an unhandy design mistake. Kind regards, Jan
Some Dinky Toys dealers applied their own label on the yellow boxes to show the price of the model or only their name and address. I am looking for some photos of such labels with the name of French dealers.
I will be grateful if any one can provide such pictures.
Kind regards
Back to the boxes with peep hole. (kids under 18 may look in).
There were five batches separated by long periods. I think that this may be due to the fact that Meccano had two suppliers for the boxes which is a must in any industry. The boxes with lozenge cuting were plobably made by the second source which was not the main one.
If this list is not complete, please let me know.
Of course as we are studying Meccano products there is an exception : the Peugeot 404 cabriolet the box of which does not have a diamond cuting but a triangular one. Photo by courtesy of Collectoys.
Many boxes of this period did not require a cut out as they were issued in only one finish.
Kind regards
Thank you Jan, I had not been so far away into 1959. The Simca Aronde P60 ref. 544 which has been issued at the same time as the Lincoln was also packed in a losange box.
Dear Jan
Thank you, I had also missed that one. Who ever sold yours for Fr. 9,00 was not very honest.
The prices of this DS 19 are as follows :
1965 7,50
1966 7,50
1967 I do not have a price list
1968 7,00
1969 I do not have a price list
1970 I do not have a price list
In 1964 the price in Belgium was 90,00 Fr.
I do not have any price lists for Switzerland or other countries using the Francs.
It was usual to launch a model with a high price and reduce it when most collectors and kids had bought it and the model was geting obsolete.
Now the up to date list is as follows :
Dear Jan,
Almost exactly one year after the last post in this thread, I have a new question for the members of this clus. Active or not.
The yellow box for the ref. 530 DS 19 (see post # 11) is printed with an Eifel tower logo. I would like to make the list of all the other boxes with this logo, can avery one help by posting or sending large photos ?
Kind regards.
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